An experimental performance commissioned by Home for Waifs and Strays - Live Screen.
The performance was streamed from the artist's home, viewed by participants in the gallery and recorded in water at both locations.

The Ma of Equilibrium was an experimental performance written & improvised by Gaia Redgrave and the notional Hermione Black, the monkey mind. It was written for Live Screen and commissioned by Home for Waifs and Strays (HFWAS).
The piece was performed virtually from Gaia’s home and streamed live into The Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Coventry for the participants to interact with & respond to. Communication with Gaia and Hermione was via the Ma of Equilibrium Facebook Page. Gaia was able to observe the participants within the gallery utilising a covert camera.
The complete performance was recorded in both locations by imprinting the experience of the dual aspects of the performance into water. The work was one of four pieces commissioned by HFWAS and live streamed on the same night.