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A film about welcoming people with autism and sensory processing difficulties, to the gallery setting. A g39 Artist Resources by Gaia Redgrave.

Ffilm am groesawu pobl sy’n awtistig ac sy’n profi anawsterau prosesu synhwyraidd, i leoliad yr oriel. Adnoddau Artist g39 by Gaia Redgrave.

Gaia produced a resource for artists, curators and those working in the arts to understand the difficulties experienced by those who have sensory processing issues due to autism. She explores how best to work with those individuals.

Mae Gaia wedi cynhyrchu adnodd i artistiaid, curaduron a’r rheiny sy’n gweithio yn y byd celfyddydau er mwyn iddynt ddeall yr anawsterau a brofwyd gan y rheiny sydd â phroblemau prosesu synhwyraidd oherwydd awtistiaeth. Mae’n archwilio sut i weithio orau gyda’r unigolion hynny. 

She gives us ways to minimise exclusion and avoid negative impacts on their physical and mental wellbeing. Sensory overload can result in anything from embarrassment to mental collapse and an inability to cope with the environment. The film offers simple processes that can be put in place to enable a positive, inclusive environment.

Mae’n rhoi ffyrdd i ni leihau eithrio ac osgoi effeithiau negyddol ar eu llesiant corfforol a meddwl. Gall gorlwytho synhwyraidd olygu unrhyw beth o embaras i chwalfa feddyliol ac anallu i ymdopi â’r amgylchedd. Mae’r ffilm yn cynnig prosesau syml sy’n gallu cael eu rhoi ar waith i alluogi amgylchedd cadarnhaol, cynhwysol.

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© 2023 Gaia Redgrave

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